Chiranjit and Bubai are two young transgender friends from Kolkata. Hailing from poor and uneducated families, they confronted social castration from a tender age. However, it helped strengthening their bond as friends. Bubai, often mistreated in his family, seeks love and care outside. He falls in love with a boy only to be dumped for a 'real' girl. Chiranjit, an only child, is relatively accepted by his parents. He wants a good job. But nobody wants a feminine boy in company. In 2009, they joined Manas Bangla, a non-profit organization working in LGBT advocacy and HIV awareness. Their job is to generate consciousness amongst high risk youth and bring them in for blood test. Days pass. Bubai gets a new boyfriend. He is happy now. Chiranjit gets a promotion in Manas Bangla and becomes Bubai's superior. But this development in their personal life and career opens up a rift. Soon they stopped talking to each other. Written by Sankhajit Biswas.
Title: In-between Days
Original Title: Dui Dhuranir Golpo
Prod. Year: 2012
Country of Origin: India
Language Spoken: Bengali
Duration: 58 min.
Shot on: HD
Screen Ratio: 16:9
Format: HDCam/Stereo
Admission/rating: 18+
Target Group: LGBTQ & YOUTH
Cast: Chiranjit and Bubai
Director: Sankhajit Biswas (Sankha)
Production Company: Moromiya Pictures
Producers: Moupia Mukherjee and Sankhajit Biswas
Financiers: Rai, Italy